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The NNS is one of the world's largest DAOs that governs the Internet Computer. It is a 100% on-chain, permissionless system that continuously upgrades the Internet Com...


Network Nervous System (NNS)

The NNS is one of the world’s largest DAOs that governs the Internet Computer. It is a 100% on-chain, permissionless system that continuously upgrades the Internet Computer based on the voting of ICP token holders.

How it works

The Internet Computer doesn’t require complicated forks to upgrade its capacity. Anyone can submit a proposal to make protocol level changes. Once approved by ICP token holders, these changes are automatically deployed by the NNS, seamlessly upgrading the network. For participating in governance, ICP token holders receive voting rewards.

Help govern the Internet Computer

Anyone can participate in governance by simply sending ICP to the NNS and staking it in neurons. These neurons have to be locked for a specific time between 6 months and 8 years to be eligible for voting and earning voting rewards.

Once locked, neurons can vote on proposals manually or follow the vote of other neurons — this is called liquid democracy. The longer a neuron is locked for, the more voting rewards it collects

100% on-chain governance

Manage your ICP, ckBTC, and SNS governance tokens within the NNS wallet — hosted 100% on the Internet Computer blockchain. Transfer tokens, secure them with hardware wallets, or participate in governance to earn voting rewards.

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