

PNG is used to pay transaction fees on the platform.


Pangolin is a decentralized exchange (DEX) built on the Avalanche blockchain. It aims to provide a fast, efficient, and user-friendly platform for trading various digital assets.

Key Features of Pangolin:

  • Decentralized Exchange: Pangolin allows users to trade cryptocurrencies without intermediaries.
  • Liquidity Pools: Users can provide liquidity to trading pairs and earn rewards in the form of trading fees and PNG tokens.
  • Low Fees: Pangolin offers lower transaction fees compared to other platforms.
  • Fast Transactions: Leveraging the Avalanche blockchain, Pangolin provides fast transaction confirmation times.
  • PNG Token: The native token of the platform, used for governance, staking, and transaction fees.

PNG Token:

  • Utility Token: PNG powers the Pangolin ecosystem and is used for various purposes.
  • Staking: Users can stake PNG tokens to earn rewards.
  • Transaction Fees: PNG is used to pay transaction fees on the platform.

How Pangolin Works:

  1. Users connect their wallets: Users connect their cryptocurrency wallets to the Pangolin platform.
  2. Trading: Users can trade various cryptocurrencies by providing liquidity to trading pairs.
  3. Liquidity Provision: Users can add liquidity to trading pairs and earn rewards in the form of trading fees and PNG tokens.
  4. Staking: Users can stake PNG tokens to earn rewards and participate in governance.

Benefits of Pangolin:

  • Fast and Efficient: Leveraging Avalanche’s speed and low fees.
  • Community-Driven: Pangolin is governed by its community of users.
  • Multiple Trading Pairs: Offers a variety of trading options.

Risks Associated with Pangolin:

  • Smart Contract Risk: As with any DeFi platform, there’s a risk of smart contract vulnerabilities.
  • Market Volatility: The cryptocurrency market is volatile, affecting token prices and trading volume.
  • Impermanent Loss: Liquidity providers may experience impermanent loss due to price fluctuations.

Overall, Pangolin is a popular DEX on the Avalanche ecosystem, offering users a fast and efficient trading experience.

Max. supply: 230,000,000 PNG
Contracts: Avalanche C-Chain 0x60781c2586d68229fde47564546784ab3faca982
X: @pangolindex

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