Bitcoin Frogs -Bitcoin Frogs are a collection of 10,000 unique digital collectibles that reside directly on the Bitcoin blockchain using Ordinals technology .

Early Movers: Launched in March 2023, Bitcoin Frogs were among the first collections to leverage Ordinals for NFTs, making them a significant player in the early days ...


Bitcoin Frogs are a collection of 10,000 unique digital collectibles that reside directly on the Bitcoin blockchain using Ordinals technology . Here’s a breakdown of what makes them noteworthy:

Pioneering Ordinals NFTs:

Early Movers: Launched in March 2023, Bitcoin Frogs were among the first collections to leverage Ordinals for NFTs, making them a significant player in the early days of this space .

Pure Bitcoin NFTs: Unlike many NFTs on Ethereum or other blockchains, Bitcoin Frogs are truly native to Bitcoin. Each NFT is inscribed onto satoshis (the smallest unit of Bitcoin) on the Bitcoin blockchain itself .

Collectible Traits and Value:

Unique Aesthetics: Each Bitcoin Frog has a unique pixelated frog design with various traits like color, clothing, and accessories.

Satoshi Rarity: The rarity of a Bitcoin Frog is not just based on its visual traits, but also on the scarcity of the satoshis it’s inscribed on. Earlier satoshis tend to be rarer, potentially influencing value .

Market Performance:

Trading Activity: Bitcoin Frogs garnered significant attention upon launch, becoming the most traded NFT on the Ordinals protocol for a time .

Current Status: You can search for “Bitcoin Frogs CoinGecko” or “Bitcoin Frogs Xverse” to find current floor price and potentially other market data (excluding links).

Overall Significance:

Historical Importance: Bitcoin Frogs played a part in establishing Ordinals as a viable platform for NFTs, paving the way for other projects.

Collectible Value: Their unique inscription on the Bitcoin blockchain and early mover status make them a potentially valuable collectible for some NFT enthusiasts.

Remember, the Ordinals NFT space is still relatively new, and data availability might be limited compared to more established NFT marketplaces.


Bitcoin Frogs -Bitcoin Frogs are a collection of 10,000 unique digital collectibles that reside directly on the Bitcoin blockchain using Ordinals technology .

Bitcoin Frogs

Bitcoin Frogs:INFO
Supply: 10000
Range: 381,224 – 412,389
x: @BitcoinFrogs
Airdrop: 0
Markets: Magicedenokx web3

data statistics

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