Satoshi -What is satoshi-sat?

“Satoshi-sat” isn’t a commonly used term in the world of Bitcoin. There are two possible interpretations:

Repetition for emphasis: It could be a redundant way of saying “satoshis.” Since a satoshi is already the smallest unit, “satoshis-satoshis” wouldn’t have any practical meaning. It might be used informally for emphasis, similar to saying “dollars-dollars” (which also wouldn’t be a real denomination).

Misunderstanding: It’s more likely a misunderstanding of the term “satoshis.” Perhaps someone encountered “sat” as an abbreviation for satoshis and mistakenly assumed “sat-sat” was a further denomination.

Here’s a breakdown to clarify:

Bitcoin: The main unit of value.
Satoshi (sat): The smallest unit of Bitcoin, equal to 0.00000001 BTC.
There’s no denomination smaller than a satoshi. Transactions are typically denominated in satoshis for everyday use due to its divisibility.
If you run into “satoshis-satoshis” again, it’s safe to assume it’s either a misspelling or used for emphasis without any actual value difference.