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Motoko – Welcome to the Motoko Playground!

Welcome to the Motoko Playground as well! It sounds like you're interested in learning about Motoko, the programming language for the Internet Computer.


Welcome to the Motoko Playground as well! It sounds like you’re interested in learning about Motoko, the programming language for the Internet Computer.

The Motoko Playground is a great place to start. It’s a web-based development environment that allows you to write and deploy Motoko code directly in your browser, without needing to download any software or set up a local development environment.

Here are some things you can do in the Motoko Playground:

Write Motoko code: The Playground provides a code editor with syntax highlighting and validation to help you write Motoko code.
Deploy your code: Once you’ve written your code, you can deploy it directly to the Internet Computer with a single click.
Test your code: You can interact with your deployed code and see the results in the Playground.
If you’re new to Motoko, there are a number of resources available to help you learn:

The official Motoko documentation https://medium.com/dfinity/introducing-the-motoko-playground-an-online-development-environment-for-the-internet-computer-efb4cd09ea8b
Tutorials on getting started with Motoko https://icdevs.org/bounties/2021/10/25/speed-run-the-ic-bounty.html

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