ICSCAN is a data explorer for the Internet Computer (IC) blockchain, providing insights into the network's activity and metrics.


ICSCAN is a data explorer for the Internet Computer (IC) blockchain, providing insights into the network’s activity and metrics. It offers a comprehensive overview of various aspects of the IC ecosystem, including:

Network Overview:

Subnet Data: Information about the IC’s subnets, which are independent partitions of the network.
Nodes: Details about the nodes that power the IC, including their location and performance.
Accounts: Statistics on the number of user accounts created on the IC.

Neurons: Data on the IC’s native token, ICP, including its circulating supply, market capitalization, and price history.
Staked ICP: Information about the amount of ICP staked by users to earn rewards.
Dissolved ICP: Details on the amount of ICP that has been dissolved, which is a process of removing tokens from circulation.

Neuron Holders: Statistics on the number of users holding ICP tokens.
Canister Developers: Information about the developers building applications on the IC.
Canister Activity: Data on the usage of canisters, which are the basic units of computation on the IC.
ICSCAN’s Features:

Visualizations: ICSCAN presents data in easy-to-understand charts and graphs, making it visually appealing and accessible.
Real-time Updates: The data on ICSCAN is updated regularly, providing users with the latest information about the IC ecosystem.
API Access: ICSCAN provides an API for developers to integrate its data into their own applications.
Overall, ICSCAN is a valuable tool for anyone interested in the IC blockchain and its growing ecosystem. It provides a wealth of information and insights that can help users understand the network’s activity, tokenomics, and community.

Here are some additional resources to learn more about ICSCAN:

ICSCAN Website: https://icscan.io/
ICSCAN Twitter: https://twitter.com/evacams_?lang=en
ICSCAN GitHub Repository: https://github.com/romshark/jscan
Disclaimer: ICSCAN is a relatively new tool, and its long-term viability depends on continued development and community support. It’s advisable to do your own research and exercise caution when using any data explorer or analytics platform.

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