

Islamic finance principles: WISLM adheres to the principles of Islamic finance, just like Islamic Coin. Tokenomics: Typically, the tokenomics of WISLM mirror those of ...


Wrapped Islamic Coin (WISLM) is essentially a wrapped version of the Islamic Coin (ISLM) token. It’s designed to facilitate easier trading and interaction with Islamic Coin on platforms that might not directly support it.

Key points about WISLM:
Wrapped token: WISLM represents an Islamic Coin token held in a smart contract.
Interoperability: It enhances the usability of Islamic Coin by allowing it to be traded on platforms that might not natively support ISLM.
Islamic finance principles: WISLM adheres to the principles of Islamic finance, just like Islamic Coin.
Tokenomics: Typically, the tokenomics of WISLM mirror those of Islamic Coin, with some potential differences due to the wrapping mechanism.
Essentially, WISLM provides a bridge between the Islamic Coin ecosystem and the broader cryptocurrency market.

Islamic Coin (ISLM)
To understand WISLM fully, it’s essential to know about Islamic Coin itself. ISLM is a cryptocurrency designed to comply with Islamic financial principles, such as prohibiting interest (riba) and speculation. It aims to provide a halal-compliant digital asset for the global Muslim community.

Total supply: 20,097,809,466 WISLM
Contracts: Haqq 0xec8cc083787c6e5218d86f9ff5f28d4cc377ac54
x: @Islamic_coin

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