Trustless, secure, and strictly BTC-native.
Enjoy a flawless AMM experience on BTC with uncompromised fund security.

Here’s a polished version of your statement that highlights the advanced security features and the partnership between DotSwap and Safeheron:

DotSwap’s liquidity pools are now fortified by a cutting-edge multisig framework, seamlessly integrating the best aspects of Multi-Party Computation (MPC) and BTC-native multisig technology to deliver unparalleled security.

Safeheron, a globally renowned MPC self-custody platform with an audit from SlowMist, elevates DotSwap’s security by providing advanced Multi-Party Computation services and acting as a trusted key custodian for DotSwap’s liquidity pools.

This version emphasizes the advanced technology and the strategic partnership, making it clear how these enhancements benefit DotSwap’s liquidity pools

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