

Unified API: Access data from multiple blockchains through a single API. Verifiable Data: Ensures the accuracy and reliability of the data provided. Long-Term Data Ava...


Covalent is a blockchain data platform that provides unified and verifiable blockchain data to developers and users. It aims to solve the long-term data availability and verifiability problems in the blockchain ecosystem.

What is CQT?
CQT is the native token of the Covalent network.
It serves as the governance token, allowing token holders to participate in decision-making processes.
It’s used for staking, where validators earn fees for answering data queries.
It acts as a network access token, required to fulfill data queries for users of the Covalent API.
How does Covalent work?
Covalent leverages big data technologies to process vast amounts of blockchain data. It provides a unified API to access data from various blockchains, making it easier for developers to build applications on top of blockchain technology.

Key features of Covalent
Unified API: Access data from multiple blockchains through a single API.
Verifiable Data: Ensures the accuracy and reliability of the data provided.
Long-Term Data Availability: Stores blockchain data for extended periods, enabling historical analysis.
Decentralized Network: The network is operated by a distributed set of nodes.
Benefits of CQT
Governance: Participate in shaping the future of the Covalent network.
Staking Rewards: Earn rewards by staking CQT and supporting the network.
Network Access: Use CQT to access Covalent’s data and services.
In essence, Covalent is a crucial infrastructure for the blockchain ecosystem, providing reliable and accessible data. CQT is the backbone of this platform, empowering its community and driving its growth.

Max. supply: 1,000,000,000 CQT
Contracts: Ethereum
X: @covalent_hq

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