

SUN Token (TRON): This is a well-known token associated with the TRON blockchain. However, it doesn't fit the 'New' description. Other SUN-related tokens: There might ...


There seems to be some confusion about the “Sun (New)” token you mentioned. I couldn’t find any specific cryptocurrency or token with the ticker symbol “SUN” that fits the description of “New”.

Possible Interpretations:
SUN Token from a Specific Blockchain or Platform:

There might be a newer or less known cryptocurrency or token using the SUN ticker symbol on a specific blockchain or platform.
If you can provide more details about the blockchain or platform, I can try to find more information.
A Potential New Cryptocurrency Project:

It’s possible that “Sun (New)” refers to a cryptocurrency project that is still in development or has recently launched.
Without more information, it’s difficult to find details about such a project.
A Misremembered or Misspelled Token:

There’s a chance you might be thinking of a different token with a similar name or ticker symbol.
Some Potential Matches (Based on Similar Names or Tickers):
SUN Token (TRON): This is a well-known token associated with the TRON blockchain. However, it doesn’t fit the “New” description.
Other SUN-related tokens: There might be other, less known tokens with similar names or tickers.
To provide more accurate information, please clarify the following:

Where did you hear about the SUN (New) token?
What is the purpose or use case of this token?
Is there any specific blockchain or platform associated with it?
Once I have more details, I can try to find the information you need.

Total supply: 19,900,730,000 SUN
Contracts: Tron20 TSSMHYeV2uE9qYH95DqyoCuNCzEL1NvU3S
X: @defi_sunio

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