Obsidian Tears

The world's first community-created, open source, 100% on chain 2D RPG ecosystem.


The world’s first community-created, open source, 100% on chain 2D RPG ecosystem.

The description you provided seems to be referring to a specific project, but there might be a few contenders for this title. Here’s a breakdown based on the keywords:

  • Community-created: This means the project is built and developed by its user base, not a single company.
  • Open source: The code behind the project is freely available for anyone to see, modify, and contribute to.
  • 100% on-chain: This means all the game’s data and logic are stored and processed on the blockchain, making it transparent and tamper-proof.
  • 2D RPG ecosystem: This refers to a 2-dimensional role-playing game environment where players can interact and progress their characters.

Here are some possibilities based on your description:

  1. Existing Project: It’s possible this describes an existing project like:

    • Crypto Kingdoms: This is a community-built, open-source strategy RPG built on the Ethereum blockchain. While not entirely 2D, it has some 2D elements and a strong focus on community and on-chain mechanics.
  2. Project Announcement: It could also be describing a new project that hasn’t launched yet but is building hype through its unique features.

Here are some things to consider if it’s a new project announcement:

  • Project Name: If there’s a specific name mentioned, I can search for more information about it.
  • Further Details: Are there any links to websites, social media accounts, or whitepapers (a document outlining the project’s goals and technical details)?
  • Credibility: Since it’s a new project, be cautious and do your research before investing any money or time. Look for a strong development team and a well-defined roadmap.

Overall, the concept of a community-created, open-source, 100% on-chain 2D RPG ecosystem is innovative and has the potential to be a groundbreaking project in the blockchain gaming space. Keep an eye out for further details or search for the project name if it’s available.

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