BTC Flower -BTC Flower NFTs are a unique project that blends art and cryptocurrency in a fascinating way.

Each BTC Flower NFT is a generative artwork that reacts to the price of Bitcoin.


BTC Flower NFTs are a unique project that blends art and cryptocurrency in a fascinating way. Here’s what I can tell you about them:

Concept: Pioneering digital art meets NFTs.

Each BTC Flower NFT is a generative artwork that reacts to the price of Bitcoin.
The 20 front petals dynamically change color and animation patterns based on Bitcoin’s price fluctuations in the last 24 hours, creating a constantly evolving visual representation of the market.
Technical Aspects:

Built on the Internet Computer (ICP) blockchain, known for its adaptability for NFTs.
This allows BTC Flowers to incorporate dynamic elements that respond to external information like Bitcoin prices.
This was a groundbreaking feature for NFTs at the time of their creation.
Project History:

Launched as a series of generative NFTs, meaning each flower has unique characteristics.
The project aimed to showcase the possibilities of NFTs on the ICP blockchain.
It also potentially served as the foundation for the Flower Power DAO (FPDAO), a decentralized community focused on NFTs on ICP.
Here are some resources to delve deeper:

DFINITY blog post on BTC Flowers:
Information about NFTs on the Internet Computer:
Possible link to Flower Power DAO (note: this is based on the blog post, further research recommended):

In early 2018, BTC Flower made its debut on the streets of Paris. An unusual kind of Ludo piece, sharing the same techno-flower chimera archetype, but with a different tone and style. R.I.P Banking System was an uplifting symbol framed with an elegantly simple message. There’s not a forced entanglement, but a genuine symbiosis of the natural and technical. Greenery keeps its original plant form with Bitcoin at its core, able to bloom from the remains of a failed Fiat system. A seed had been planted, if you will. BTC Flower is the digital version of the R.I.P Banking System art piece. It exists as an assortment of 2009 unique variations, the original plants that will spawn a garden commemorating accomplishments of the cryptosphere.


Canister ID: pk6rk-6aaaa-aaaae-qaazq-cai
Markets: EntrepotToniq
x: @Btcflower

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