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Based on my search, BAMK•OF•NAKAMOTO•DOLLAR Rune #5220 appears to be related to a project called BAMK and its synthetic dollar on the Bitcoin network, $NUSD (Nakamoto ...


Based on my search, BAMK•OF•NAKAMOTO•DOLLAR Rune #5220 appears to be related to a project called BAMK and its synthetic dollar on the Bitcoin network, $NUSD (Nakamoto USD). Here’s a breakdown of what I found:

Possible Connection: This Rune (a type of unique identifier on the platform) seems to be associated with BAMK, a project focused on creating decentralized financial solutions on the Bitcoin network.
Function: It’s not entirely clear from the information available, but Rune #5220 might be a representation or token related to BAMK’s synthetic dollar, $NUSD.
Here are some resources where you might find more information:

Magic Eden Listing: This webpage shows information about BAMK•OF•NAKAMOTO•DOLLAR Rune #5220, including its current price, trading volume, and market cap. It also allows you to buy or sell the Rune. However, keep in mind that I cannot provide links directly due to safety reasons.
HackerNoon Article: This article discusses BAMK’s launch and its introduction of $NUSD (Nakamoto USD) as the first synthetic dollar on Bitcoin. While it doesn’t explicitly mention Rune #5220, it provides context about the project BAMK is likely connected to.
Important Note:

Due to the limited information available and the relatively new nature of this project, it’s important to exercise caution and conduct thorough research before making any investment decisions related to BAMK•OF•NAKAMOTO•DOLLAR Rune #5220 or $NUSD. Consider factors like the project’s roadmap, team background, and potential risks involved in synthetic assets before proceeding.


Marketplace : Rune #5220
unisat web3 okx – Magiceden
Max. supply:
Etching Contracts: b21c75623559da50930fa51079599c97fc91e8151226e5225ce152f9e7096dfe
Etching block: 840256:35
Airdrop: 0

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