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Eragon -The ultimate development and distribution platform for mobile Web3 games

Key Features include: Free Minting, Incentivized Earnings, Loyalty Quests, Games & Marketplace Store, Game Listing & Launchpad, Developer Account & Kit, Pa...


Backed by the Aptos Foundation, Sotatek & VNext, ERAGON offers an unparalleled solution for developers, gamers, and investors with its innovative solutions, such as:

– Platform as a Game

– Keyless Account Design

– Gaming Layer as Web3 Bridge

– Redefining Money Streams

– Mobile Focus

– Breaking CHPlay, Appstore Barriers

– AI-powered Solutions

Key Features include: Free Minting, Incentivized Earnings, Loyalty Quests, Games & Marketplace Store, Game Listing & Launchpad, Developer Account & Kit, Paygate for Fiat & Token Top-ups and the Eraverse Meta-world Experience.

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