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Juno is a blockchainless platform designed for developers aiming to craft groundbreaking applications on the Web3 space.


Juno is a blockchainless platform designed for developers aiming to craft groundbreaking applications on the Web3 space.

Getting started

Juno is a blockchain-as-a-service (“blockchainless”) platform that empowers developers to build decentralized apps efficiently. Similar to Web2 cloud service platforms but with significant improvements, it offers a comprehensive toolkit to scaffold secure and efficient projects running on the blockchain.

With Juno, developers can integrate features such as authentication, data and file storage, hosting, serverless functions, or on-chain analytics provided by smart contracts. This allows them to develop projects using familiar patterns while maintaining complete control over their work.

In short, Juno is the Google Firebase alternative for Web3.

Launching with Juno

To begin with Juno, launch your first Satellite – a feature-packed smart contract for your project.

This all-in-one container provides authentication, datastore (a key-pair store akin to a simple “database”), file storage, serverless functions and hosting capabilities.

Starting a new project

Are you embarking on a new project? We’ve got your back.

Whether you’re aiming to create a website, blog, or application, leverage Juno’s onboarding CLI to scaffold your project. Our ready-made templates are developed with the most well-known frontend frameworks, including Astro, Next.js, React, SvelteKit, Vue, and Angular.



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