
The Internet Computer reinvents compute on blockchain, incorporating more than a 1000 years of R&D effort.


The Internet Computer reinvents compute on blockchain, incorporating more than a 1000 years of R&D effort. Everything is now on-chain. HTTP. Data. Compute. AI. Your Web3 social network. Your orderbook exchange. Full stack decentralization has arrived on a sovereign network that extends the internet.

Cloud 3.0

The future of cloud is serverless: for enterprise, government and Web3 applications.A truly autonomous cloud is one which is not controlled by a company or entity, but is public and decentralized like the internet itself. Now imagine a blockchain protocol that enables an autonomous serverless cloud that hosts data as well as logic, where software is tamperproof and unstoppable, can scale horizontally, and processes HTTP, where you can build sovereign systems and services that don’t need the protection of firewalls…An efficient cloud that destroys intractable R&D, security and legacy software costs. A platform where you are building more simply using an advanced evolution of smart contract technology hosted on an all-new form of blockchain — the Internet Computer.

Legacy tech stacks, increasing development costs and fleeing talent are just a few of the blockers holding tech endeavors back from innovating and staying ahead of the competition — move forward by building on a serverless cloud that’s an everything stack created by an advanced public network.

Why build on the
Internet Computer?


Serverless Computing

Enterprises and Web3 projects looking for serverless architectures to enable quick and agile development cycles that reduce infrastructure maintenance and operational costs can rely on the Internet Computer, a decentralized blockchain protocol.

The Internet Computer programming model is also similar to that of serverless clouds in that applications can be written in common languages such as Rust or Python. It is simpler, however, as state is maintained automatically without the need for developer intervention — a major advance in the field.

Serverless cloud addresses the $1.8 trillion global spend on IT personnel, the $900 billion spend on software, $600 billion spend on Big Tech’s clouds, $224 billion spend on data center systems, $179 billion spend on cybersecurity, and the $50 billion cost of cybersecurity incidents, reported by Gartner.

Manage platform risk

Large-scale software systems relying on centralized cloud providers are subject to vendor lock-in, which can lead to increasing server costs or codebase refactoring.

The Internet Computer offers an alternative technology stack that’s open and decentralized. Independently owned and operated “node machines,” which are installed in independent data centers around the world, are connected by advanced network protocols to form a seamless serverless cloud that’s stateful, tamperproof, unstoppable, autonomous and sovereign, upon which any system can be built. Its software — canister smart contracts — are compiled to WebAssembly, the new Web3 industry standard for cross platform, language agnostic, portable server executable code.

It’s an open cloud where you can build sovereign enterprise infrastructure — which, just like the internet, doesn’t have a corporate owner who can make arbitrary updates, and who ha

Kill security costs & risks

The Internet Computer hosts tamperproof and unstoppable software systems and services, which don’t need protection from firewalls, SIEM logging or other traditional cybersecurity frameworks.

Simply put, the Internet Computer has no backdoors through which hackers can pass, or hosted software or data can be attacked by viruses and ransomware. That’s because it’s a virtual platform created by advanced math — fault-tolerant network protocols and cryptography built by world class cryptographers, engineers and computer scientists in a project developed in hundreds of person-years of effort.

Now you can move beyond the security flaws of Legacy IT, to a world in which software is tamperproof and unstoppable by building on the Internet Computer protocol

Say goodbye to being hacked and encrypted by ransomware, slash your cybersecurity costs, and focus instead on optimizing business logic and creating delightful user experiences.

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