Motoko Doodles NFTS – ntroducing Motoko Doodles, a vibrant and captivating collection of 2021 unique digital artworks, each brimming with personality and charm.

What makes Motoko Doodles truly special is the heartfelt collaboration behind each artwork. With the daughter's boundless imagination and the father's artistic prowess...


Introducing Motoko Doodles, a vibrant and captivating collection of 2021 unique digital artworks, each brimming with personality and charm.

Created by a talented father-daughter duo, these doodles are more than just images; they represent a journey of creativity, collaboration, and imagination. Inspired by the Motoko Ghosts universe, these doodles capture the essence of this mystical world, offering collectors a glimpse into its colorful characters and captivating stories.

What makes Motoko Doodles truly special is the heartfelt collaboration behind each artwork. With the daughter’s boundless imagination and the father’s artistic prowess, they’ve brought to life a diverse range of characters, each with its own story to tell.

From playful sprites to wise old sages, every doodle has been meticulously crafted with love and care, making them not just collectibles, but cherished pieces of art.

Motoko Doodles NFTS NFTgeek INFO
Canister ID: dahor-xyaaa-aaaal-qiylq-cai
Markets: EntrepotToniq – Memecake
X: @MotokoDoodles

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