Boxy Dude NFTS – Boxy Dudes are a collection of 10,000 unique NFTs built on the Internet Computer Protocol (ICP) blockchain.

Boxy Dudes are a collection of 10,000 unique NFTs built on the Internet Computer Protocol (ICP) blockchain. They're more than just profile pictures; they're a stepping...


Boxy Dudes are a collection of 10,000 unique NFTs built on the Internet Computer Protocol (ICP) blockchain. They’re more than just profile pictures; they’re a stepping stone into a larger planned ecosystem with its own utility token, play-to-earn mechanics, and a commitment to community involvement.

Here’s a breakdown of what we know about Boxy Dudes:


Boxy Avatars: Each Boxy Dude NFT features a pixelated, blocky character with various traits like clothing, accessories, and facial expressions.

Collectible Value: Each Boxy Dude has a unique combination of traits, influencing its rarity and potential value on secondary marketplaces.
Breeding and Evolution: The project roadmap mentions plans for breeding Boxy Dudes and potentially “Boxy Girls” in the future, allowing players to create new generations of NFTs with unique combinations of traits .
Utility Token ($BOX): Boxy Dudes have their own utility token, $BOX, used for in-game activities like breeding and potentially future governance within the Boxy Dude ecosystem .
Play-to-Earn Potential: The creators envision a play-to-earn game called “Boxy World” where players can use their Boxy Dudes to participate in quests, battles, and earn rewards.
Community-Driven Project: The Boxy Dude team emphasizes community involvement. They’ve held polls and actively seek feedback to shape the future of the project .
Current Status:

Launched in December 2021: The initial mint of Boxy Dudes NFTs happened in December 2021 .
Secondary Market Trading: While the initial sale is complete, Boxy Dudes can still be bought and sold on secondary NFT marketplaces that support the ICP blockchain, like Entrepot and ICPunks .
Project Development: The Boxy Dude team continues to work on developing the $BOX token, Boxy World game, and other aspects of the ecosystem .
Further Exploration:

Here are some resources to learn more about Boxy Dude NFTs:

Boxy Dude Website (might not have the latest info): While information might not be fully updated, the official website offers a starting point:
Boxy World & Our Long Term Vision: (details roadmap and tokenomics)
Boxy Dude Set to Take the Internet Computer NFT Marketplace By Storm: (discusses project’s potential)
The Community Took Over This NFT Project (Boxy Dude): (highlights community aspect)
Information about Entrepot marketplace:
Information about ICPunks marketplace:
Additional Notes:

The value of NFTs can fluctuate significantly, and there is no guarantee of returns.
It’s important to do your own research before investing in any NFT project. Consider the roadmap, team’s experience, and community engagement before making a decision.
I hope this comprehensive overview helps you understand Boxy Dude NFTs and their potential within the Internet Computer ecosystem. Feel free to ask if you have any further questions!


Boxy Dude NFTS: NFTgeek INFO
Canister ID: s36wu-5qaaa-aaaah-qcyzq-cai
Markets: EntrepotToniqMemecake
x: @icboxy

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