Famous Fox Dens NFTS -Famous Fox Dens (FFD) is a collection of 3,000 unique NFTs on the Solana blockchain.

In addition to serving as virtual NFT galleries, FFD NFTs also provide holders with access to various benefits within the FFF ecosystem.


Famous Fox Dens (FFD) is a collection of 3,000 unique NFTs on the Solana blockchain. Each FFD NFT represents a virtual den that can be used to display a user’s NFT collection. FFD NFTs are part of the larger Famous Fox Federation (FFF) ecosystem, which also includes a collection of 10,000 unique fox character NFTs.

Famous Fox Dens NFT

Here are some details about Famous Fox Dens NFTs:

Current Floor Price: 4.408 SOL (approximately $481.40) [as of June 24, 2024]
All-time High: 36.5 SOL (approximately $4,011.50)
Total Supply: 3,000
Blockchain: Solana
FFD NFTs can be bought and sold on various NFT marketplaces, including Magic Eden, Solanart, and OpenSea.

Utility of Famous Fox Dens NFTs

In addition to serving as virtual NFT galleries, FFD NFTs also provide holders with access to various benefits within the FFF ecosystem. These benefits include:

Discord and Twitter integration: FFD NFT holders can connect their NFTs to their Discord and Twitter accounts to unlock exclusive roles and channels.
Quick Ding: FFD NFT holders can use Quick Ding, a tool that allows them to quickly find and list their NFTs for sale on multiple marketplaces.
NFT portfolio: FFD NFT holders can use the FFF NFT portfolio tool to track and manage their entire NFT collection, including NFTs from other projects.
Mission participation: FFD NFT holders can participate in missions and events within the FFF ecosystem to earn rewards, such as additional NFTs or tokens.
Overall, Famous Fox Dens NFTs offer a unique way to showcase NFT collections and participate in the FFF ecosystem. The project has a strong community and a team of experienced developers, which suggests that it has the potential for long-term growth.

Please note that the value of NFTs can fluctuate significantly, and there is no guarantee that FFD NFTs will retain their current value or increase in value in the future. As with any investment, it is important to do your own research before purchasing NFTs.

Famous Fox Dens NFTS: Solana INFO
Markets: okx web3Magiceden
X: @famousfoxfed
Contracts:Solana EHk5rVJz4NYRFvddC5hFbceJJjF58TmLEVas27JS77kn

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