Retardio Cousins NFTS -Despite the name, Retardio Cousins NFTs are a collection on the Solana blockchain.

Retardio Cousins NFTs have a current floor price of around $660.76, with a minimum price of 101.92 SOL (Solana is the cryptocurrency used on the Solana blockchain) .


Despite the name, Retardio Cousins NFTs are a collection on the Solana blockchain. Here’s what I can tell you about them:

Price and Availability:

Retardio Cousins NFTs have a current floor price of around $660.76, with a minimum price of 101.92 SOL (Solana is the cryptocurrency used on the Solana blockchain) .
There are a total of 4,444 unique Retardio Cousins NFTs currently in circulation .
Where to Buy: They are available for purchase on several Solana NFT marketplaces, including OKX and CoinGecko .

Additional Resources:

CoinGecko price chart for Retardio Cousins:
OKX marketplace listing for Retardio Cousins:
DappRadar information on Retardio Cousins (may include sales data):
Some things to keep in mind:

The name “Retardio Cousins” is considered offensive by some people. It’s important to be aware of this before you decide to buy one of these NFTs.
The NFT market can be volatile, and the value of your Retardio Cousins NFT could fluctuate over time. It’s important to do your own research on the project before making a purchase.

Retardio Cousins nft: Solana INFO
Markets: okx web3 – Magiceden
X: @retardiosolana
Contracts:Solana DUX8SZXLKigc84BBUcYjA7PuKe2SFwXFtQVgwmBsaXKm

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