Magic Ticket NFTS -Magic Ticket NFTs are connected to the Magic Eden NFT marketplace.

Magic Tickets are a way to gain access to the MagicDAO, a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) focused on the Solana NFT ecosystem. Ownership of a Magic Ticket ...


Magic Ticket NFTs are connected to the Magic Eden NFT marketplace. Here’s what you should know about them:

Purpose: Magic Tickets are a way to gain access to the MagicDAO, a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) focused on the Solana NFT ecosystem. Ownership of a Magic Ticket grants you voting rights and the ability to participate in discussions that shape the future of Magic Eden .
Types: There are different tiers of Magic Tickets, with “Normie” being the most common. Higher tiers like “OG” or “DJ” might come with additional benefits .
Price and Availability: There are roughly 29,200 Magic Tickets in circulation, with a current floor price of around 0.44 SOL (around $60) . You can buy them on the Magic Eden marketplace itself, alongside other Solana NFT marketplaces like Solanart .
Here are some additional resources you might find helpful:

Magic Eden’s Magic Ticket page:
A guide on verifying your Magic Ticket and joining the MagicDAO: YouTube video on how to verify Magic Ticket & Join MagicDAO .

Magic Ticket: Solana INFO
X: @MagicEden
Markets: okx web3Magiceden

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