Pudgy Penguins -Pudgy Penguins is a collection of 8,888 unique penguin NFTs residing on the Ethereum blockchain. Launched in 2021, the collection embodies positivity and empathy within the NFT space.

Pudgy Penguins is a collection of 8,888 unique penguin NFTs residing on the Ethereum blockchain. Launched in 2021, the collection embodies positivity and empathy withi...


Here’s a deeper dive into Pudgy Penguins NFTs:

Concept and Community:

Pudgy Penguins are a collection of 8,888 unique penguin NFTs built on the Ethereum blockchain.
Each penguin boasts distinct characteristics like clothing, expressions, and color palettes, making them individual and collectible.
The project emphasizes positivity and empathy within the NFT space, fostering a strong community called “The Huddle.”
Huddle membership grants holders exclusive access to:
Events and experiences
Potential future benefits like IP licensing opportunities
Additional Features:

Lil Pudgys: Owning a Pudgy Penguin NFT grants you a free “Lil Pudgy” NFT, essentially expanding the Pudgy Penguins universe and creating a hierarchy within the collection.
Where to Find Pudgy Penguins:

Official Website: provides project details and a glimpse into the penguin world.
OpenSea Collection: lets you explore the collection, view individual NFTs, and see current holders (if publicly available).
Popularity and Value:

While specific sales data isn’t available here, Pudgy Penguins have established a niche within the NFT space, attracting collectors who resonate with the project’s positive message and cute penguin theme.
It’s important to remember that the NFT market is inherently volatile. Past performance doesn’t guarantee future returns, and the value of a Pudgy Penguin NFT depends on various factors like overall market trends and specific NFT traits (rarity, visual appeal etc.).
Before You Buy:

Conduct thorough research: This includes exploring the project’s roadmap, the team behind Pudgy Penguins, and how penguin-themed NFTs are generally performing in the market.
Understand the risks: NFT investments are inherently risky.
Overall, Pudgy Penguins presents a collection of adorable penguin NFTs with a focus on community building. If you’re drawn to the penguin theme and the project’s goals align with your interests, further research is crucial before making any investment decisions.

Pudgy Penguins: Pudgy PenguinsPudgy Penguins INFO
X: @pudgypenguins
Contract info: 0xBd3531dA5CF5857e7CfAA92426877b022e612cf8
Markets: openseaokx web3Magiceden
Pudgy Penguins -Pudgy Penguins is a collection of 8,888 unique penguin NFTs residing on the Ethereum blockchain. Launched in 2021, the collection embodies positivity and empathy within the NFT space.

Pudgy Penguins

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