Driforian Souls -Driforian Souls appears to be a collection of NFTs inscribed on the Bitcoin Ordinals protocol.

Magic Eden: Driforian Souls are listed for sale on Magic Eden, a marketplace that supports Ordinals NFTs [Magic Eden].


Driforian Souls appears to be a collection of NFTs inscribed on the Bitcoin Ordinals protocol. Here’s what I could dig up about them:

Marketplace and Stats:

Magic Eden: Driforian Souls are listed for sale on Magic Eden, a marketplace that supports Ordinals NFTs [Magic Eden].
Price and Volume:
Floor price: Information on the current floor price (the cheapest available NFT) might be limited, but you can check directly on Magic Eden [Magic Eden].
Total volume traded: Similar to floor price, data on total trading volume might also be scarce. You can try searching for it on DappRadar or CryptoSlam (these platforms track NFT sales across various blockchains, but may not have comprehensive data for Ordinals yet).
Unique Identifiers:

Inscription Numbers: These act as unique identifiers for Ordinals NFTs. For Driforian Souls, they range from 71640388 to 71657246 [Magic Eden].
Comparison to Bitcoin Puppets:

There seems to be a connection between Driforian Souls and Bitcoin Puppets, possibly as the “next Bitcoin Puppets” according to a YouTube video discussing NFT news [YouTube]. However, the exact nature of this connection is unclear without further information.
Further Exploration:

Magic Eden: Explore the Driforian Souls collection on Magic Eden to see if any NFTs are currently listed for sale and their individual details [Magic Eden].
Community Channels: Look for the Driforian Souls project’s social media channels or Discord to connect with the community and find out more about the collection.

Investing in NFTs involves inherent risks. Always do your own research before buying any NFT, considering factors like the project’s roadmap, team, and overall market trends for Ordinals NFTs, a relatively new area.

Driforian Souls:INFO
Supply: 1700
RANGE: 71640388 to 71745915
X: @drifora2
Markets: Magicedenokx web3


data statistics

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