
BCH – Bitcoin Cash

Absolutely, Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is a cryptocurrency derived from Bitcoin through a hard fork in 2017.


Absolutely, Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is a cryptocurrency derived from Bitcoin through a hard fork in 2017. Here’s a breakdown of some key points about BCH:

Origin: Created from a split in the Bitcoin blockchain with the aim of being a more scalable and faster alternative to Bitcoin for everyday transactions.
Technical Differences: Larger block sizes on the Bitcoin Cash network compared to Bitcoin, allowing for more transactions to be processed.
Price: As of today, June 21, 2024, 1 BCH is around $392.
Market Position: Considered an altcoin (alternative cryptocurrency), it has a smaller market capitalization compared to Bitcoin but has survived market fluctuations.

INFO: coinmarketcap
Marketplace : BYBIT
Total supply:
21,000,000 BCH
Max. supply: 21,000,000 BCH
Airdrop: 0

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