Lnternet Identity ID

An Internet Identity ID (often shortened to II) refers to your unique identifier within the Internet Computer (IC) ecosystem. It's essentially a digital identity you c...


An Internet Identity ID (often shortened to II) refers to your unique identifier within the Internet Computer (IC) ecosystem. It’s essentially a digital identity you control and use to interact with various applications built on the IC blockchain. Here’s a breakdown of key aspects of Internet Identity IDs:


Acts as your login credential across IC applications.
Enables secure authentication without relying on traditional usernames and passwords.
Provides control over your data and privacy through self-sovereign identity principles.

Enhanced Security: Eliminates the risk of password breaches as you don’t share any login credentials with applications.
Improved User Experience: Streamlined login process across IC applications using your II.
Data Ownership: You control what data you share with applications and can revoke access at any time.
Creating an Internet Identity ID:

The process involves generating a key pair on your device (computer or phone) using a technology called WebAuthn.
This key pair ensures strong security and allows you to sign transactions on the IC blockchain.
You can create an II through the official Internet Identity website or wallets that integrate with the IC ecosystem.
Important Considerations:

Secure Your Device: As your II relies on keys stored on your device, it’s crucial to maintain strong device security with practices like firewalls and antivirus software.
Back Up Your Recovery Phrase: During II creation, a recovery phrase is generated. Keep this phrase safe and confidential as it allows you to recover your II in case of device loss.
Limited Ecosystem (for now): While the IC ecosystem is growing, it’s still relatively young. Your II might not be universally applicable yet.
Comparison to Traditional Logins:

Feature Internet Identity ID Traditional Username/Password
Security More secure (no passwords to be stolen) Vulnerable to breaches
Convenience Streamlined login across IC apps Requires separate logins for each app
Data Ownership User controls data sharing Applications control data to a larger extent

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Overall, Internet Identity IDs offer a more secure and user-friendly approach to authentication within the IC ecosystem. However, it’s important to be aware of the security considerations and the evolving nature of the IC landscape.

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