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PolySwarm NCT

NCT is used to reward participants who contribute to the platform by submitting malware samples, developing detection modules, or providing accurate threat assessments.


What is PolySwarm?

PolySwarm is a decentralized platform that leverages blockchain technology to combat cyber threats. It operates on a crowdsourced model, where multiple antivirus engines and threat intelligence providers collaborate to identify and neutralize malware.

What is NCT?

NCT is the native cryptocurrency of the PolySwarm platform. It serves several key functions:

  • Incentivization: NCT is used to reward participants who contribute to the platform by submitting malware samples, developing detection modules, or providing accurate threat assessments.
  • Governance: NCT holders have a say in the platform’s development through voting on proposals.
  • Payment: NCT is used to pay for services on the PolySwarm platform, such as accessing threat intelligence or submitting malware samples.

How Does PolySwarm Work?

  1. Malware Submission: Users submit suspicious files to the PolySwarm platform.
  2. Threat Analysis: Multiple antivirus engines and threat intelligence providers analyze the file independently.
  3. Consensus Building: The platform aggregates the results from different engines to determine the threat level.
  4. Reward Distribution: Users who contributed to the accurate detection of the threat are rewarded with NCT.

Key Features of PolySwarm

  • Decentralization: The platform operates on a decentralized basis, reducing the risk of single points of failure.
  • Crowdsourced Intelligence: By combining the expertise of multiple providers, PolySwarm offers a more comprehensive approach to threat detection.
  • Incentivization: The use of NCT rewards participants for their contributions, fostering a collaborative ecosystem.
  • Transparency: The platform provides transparency into the threat detection process, allowing users to verify results.

Challenges and Opportunities

While PolySwarm offers a promising approach to cybersecurity, it faces challenges such as the constant evolution of threats and the need to attract a large number of participants. However, the growing complexity of cyberattacks and the demand for effective security solutions present significant opportunities for PolySwarm.

PolySwarm NCT Coinmarketcap
Max. supply: 1,885,913,076 NCT
Contracts: Ethereum:
X: @polyswarm

data statistics

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