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Chainlink LINK

Chainlink is a decentralized oracle network built on top of the Ethereum blockchain. An oracle network acts as a bridge between blockchains and the real world by provi...


What is Chainlink?

Chainlink is a decentralized oracle network built on top of the Ethereum blockchain. An oracle network acts as a bridge between blockchains and the real world by providing external data feeds to smart contracts.

Why is Chainlink important?

Smart contracts are self-executing programs that run on a blockchain. They can’t directly access information from outside the blockchain network. Chainlink fills this gap by securely bringing off-chain data like weather updates, stock prices, or payment information on-chain. This allows smart contracts to be triggered and function based on real-world events.

How does Chainlink work?

Chainlink uses a decentralized network of nodes, run by independent operators, to fetch and deliver data. These nodes are secured by economic incentives through LINK, Chainlink’s native cryptocurrency. Here’s a simplified breakdown:

Request: A smart contract initiates a request for specific data from the outside world.
Selection: The Chainlink network selects a group of oracles (nodes) to fulfill the request.
Data gathering: Selected oracles retrieve data from external sources.
Aggregation: The network gathers and aggregates the data from multiple oracles to ensure accuracy.
Delivery: The final, validated data is delivered securely to the smart contract.
Benefits of Chainlink:

Decentralization: Reduces the risk of a single point of failure and eliminates the need for a trusted third party.
Security: The network uses a robust reputation system to ensure data accuracy and punish malicious actors.
Flexibility: Chainlink can connect to a wide range of data sources, making it adaptable for various applications.
Real-world applications of Chainlink:

Decentralized Finance (DeFi): Provides secure price feeds for lending and borrowing protocols.
Supply Chain Management: Tracks the movement of goods and ensures product authenticity.
Insurance: Triggers automated payouts based on real-time data like weather events.
Current Status of Chainlink (as of June 20, 2024):

Price: LINK is currently trading around $14.10.
Market Cap: Over $8.4 billion.

Chainlink website:
Chainlink whitepaper:
Remember: The cryptocurrency market is volatile, so do your own research before making any investment decisions.

INFO: coinmarketcap
Marketplace : BYBIT
Total supply:
1,000,000,000 LINK
Max. supply: 1,000,000,000 LINK
Airdrop: 0

data statistics

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