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This is important in building trust between individuals and organizations that collect and use personal data, identifying whether the content is generated by AI or not...


Provenance is key to the success of establishing trust and credibility in the online space and is also one of the most important factors leading to the success of monetization of digital media. Without provenance, it can be difficult to determine the reliability of the information or the value of digital assets.

In the centralized internet, trust is often established through recognized intermediaries like search engines, social media platforms, and news organizations. However, this centralized model has faced criticism as instances of censorship and biased content moderation challenge the idea of a free and open web. However, in a decentralized, user-owned and controlled internet, individuals and organizations are able to verify the authenticity of the information and assets they encounter.

Numbers Protocol is the Decentralized Provenance Standard. It secures digital media provenance through a decentralized ecosystem and blockchain technology, similar to a version control system like Git. Numbers creates immutable birth records of digital content and tracks changes made, allowing for collaboration and management. The Numbers Mainnet functions as a decentralized Github, storing data related to assets, such as provenance, ownership, and historical records, securely and transparently.

In the future of AI, provenance ensured by Numbers Protocol can help to provide references of where the data came from and how it should be used. This is important in building trust between individuals and organizations that collect and use personal data, identifying whether the content is generated by AI or not. The Assetization Process further helps users of Numbers Protocol build user-owned and user-controlled content datasets. With proper consent, the registered digital content and their provenance metadata can be used by AI models or other variety of purposes.

Our long-term vision is to establish a transparent, fair, and authentic digital media ecosystem that promotes accountability and ensures the safe and secure use of digital content.

Max. supply: 1,000,000,000 NUM
Contracts: Ethereum 0x3496b523e5c00a4b4150d6721320cddb234c3079
X: @numbersprotocol

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