

Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Elements: Numeraire incorporates DeFi concepts like staking and token rewards. Incentivized AI Research: It encourages the development of ...


Numeraire is a cryptocurrency token that powers the Numerai platform, a hedge fund that utilizes crowdsourced artificial intelligence to make investments in major stock markets. It’s a unique blend of finance, technology, and crypto.

How it Works:

  • Data Scientists: Individuals can create machine learning models to predict stock market movements.
  • NMR Staking: These models are staked with NMR tokens.
  • Performance-Based Rewards: If a model performs well, its owner earns additional NMR tokens. Conversely, poorly performing models lose their staked NMR.
  • Meta Model: Numerai combines thousands of these models into a single “meta model” to make investment decisions.

Key Features:

  • Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Elements: Numeraire incorporates DeFi concepts like staking and token rewards.
  • Incentivized AI Research: It encourages the development of advanced machine learning models by offering financial rewards.
  • Risk Management: The staking mechanism helps to manage risk as poorly performing models lose their staked NMR.
  • Transparency: The platform offers transparency into the performance of various models and the overall investment strategy.

NMR Token:

  • Utility: NMR is used for staking models, earning rewards, and participating in the Numerai ecosystem.
  • Governance: While not explicitly stated, there’s potential for NMR holders to influence the platform’s direction through governance mechanisms in the future.


  • Innovative Approach: Numerai offers a novel way to leverage AI and crowdsourcing for investment purposes.
  • Potential for High Returns: Successful data scientists can earn significant rewards.
  • Decentralization: The platform’s reliance on a decentralized network of participants can enhance trust and security.


  • Model Complexity: Developing accurate predictive models is challenging and requires expertise.
  • Market Volatility: The stock market is inherently volatile, which can impact model performance and NMR token price.
  • Competition: The field of AI-driven investment is competitive, with new players and technologies emerging.
Max. supply: 11,000,000 NMR
Contracts: Ethereum 0x1776e1F26f98b1A5dF9cD347953a26dd3Cb46671
X: @BuildOnCyber

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