A portion of transaction fees on the Qtum network is paid to miners or stakers. Governance: QTUM token holders have voting rights on governance proposals that shape th...


Qutum (QTUM) is an open-source, public blockchain platform that combines the security and stability of Bitcoin’s UTXO (Unspent Transaction Output) model with the smart contract capabilities of Ethereum’s virtual machine. It aims to provide a scalable, user-friendly, and enterprise-ready blockchain platform for a wide range of applications.

Key Features of Qtum:

Hybrid Blockchain: Qtum utilizes a hybrid consensus mechanism that combines Proof of Work (PoW) for initial block production and Proof of Stake (PoS) for long-term network security.
Smart Contracts: Qtum supports smart contracts, allowing developers to create decentralized applications (DApps) on the platform.
Account Abstraction: Qtum introduces account abstraction, enabling developers to create custom account types and transaction logic.
Governance: Qtum has an on-chain governance mechanism that allows token holders to vote on proposed changes to the protocol.
User-Friendliness: Qtum aims to be more user-friendly than other blockchain platforms, with features like atomic swaps and simplified smart contract development.
Benefits of Qtum:

Security: Qtum’s hybrid consensus mechanism and UTXO model provide strong security for the network.
Scalability: Qtum is designed to be scalable through features like sharding and layer-2 solutions.
Versatility: Qtum’s smart contract support and account abstraction make it a versatile platform for various applications.
Community: Qtum has a growing and active community of developers and users.
Applications of Qtum:

Decentralized Finance (DeFi): Qtum can be used to create DeFi applications, such as lending platforms, stablecoins, and decentralized exchanges.
Supply Chain Management: Qtum can be used to track and manage supply chains, ensuring transparency and efficiency.
Identity Management: Qtum can be used to create secure and self-sovereign identity solutions.
Gaming: Qtum can be used to develop in-game items and collectibles, enabling true ownership and trading.
QTUM Token:

QTUM is the native token of the Qtum blockchain. It is used for various purposes, including:

Transaction Fees: A portion of transaction fees on the Qtum network is paid to miners or stakers.
Governance: QTUM token holders have voting rights on governance proposals that shape the future of the Qtum network.
Staking: QTUM tokens can be staked to earn rewards and participate in network security.
Current Status and Future Outlook:

Qutum is a relatively new blockchain platform, but it has made significant progress in developing its core infrastructure and attracting a community of developers and users. The project’s focus on security, scalability, and user-friendliness makes it well-positioned to address the growing demand for enterprise-ready blockchain solutions.

Additional Resources:

Qutum Website: https://qtum.org/
Qutum Github: https://github.com/qtumproject/qtum
CoinMarketCap: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/qtum/
CoinGecko: https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/qtum


Qutum (QTUM)
Total supply: 107,822,406 QTUM

data statistics

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