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FET – Artificial Superintelligence Alliance – Accelerate the development of safe and beneficial AI.

In June 2024, the ASA announced that it would be merging its three native tokens (FET, OCEAN, and AGIX) into a single token called ASI. The merger was designed to simp...


The Artificial Superintelligence Alliance (ASA) was a collaboration between three blockchain-based artificial intelligence (AI) projects: (FET), Ocean Protocol (OCEAN), and SingularityNET (AGIX). The alliance aimed to create a unified ecosystem for AI development and deployment, with the goal of promoting safe, ethical, and beneficial AI.

The ASA was formed in early 2023 with the intention of pooling the resources and expertise of the three member projects. The alliance developed a common technical framework and a shared governance model. It also worked to promote collaboration between AI researchers, developers, and businesses.

In June 2024, the ASA announced that it would be merging its three native tokens (FET, OCEAN, and AGIX) into a single token called ASI. The merger was designed to simplify the user experience and make it easier to participate in the ASA ecosystem.

The ASA’s stated mission was to:

Accelerate the development of safe and beneficial AI.
Promote collaboration and knowledge sharing among AI researchers and developers.
Ensure that AI is used for the benefit of all humanity.
The ASA’s work was focused on a number of areas, including:

Developing open-source AI tools and frameworks.
Creating standards for AI development and deployment.
Promoting education and awareness about AI.
Encouraging responsible AI development practices.
The ASA was a promising initiative that had the potential to make a significant impact on the development of AI. However, in November 2024, the alliance announced that it would be dissolving due to a lack of funding.

Despite its dissolution, the ASA’s work has had a lasting impact on the AI community. The common technical framework and governance model developed by the alliance are still being used by some projects, and the ASA’s work on promoting safe and ethical AI development continues to be relevant.

Here are some additional details about the ASA:

Here are some of the reasons why the ASA was formed:

The three member projects shared a common vision for the future of AI.
They believed that by collaborating, they could achieve more than they could on their own.
They saw the need for a unified ecosystem to support AI development and deployment.
They were committed to promoting safe, ethical, and beneficial AI.
The ASA’s dissolution was a setback for the AI community, but its work has not been in vain. The alliance’s legacy lives on in the projects that it helped to create and the work that it continues to inspire.

It is important to note that the ASA is no longer active, and its token is no longer traded. However, the information and resources provided here may still be of interest to those who are interested in learning more about the ASA and its work.

Artificial Superintelligence Alliance FET
Max. supply: 2,630,547,141
Contracts:Ethereum 0xaea46A60368A7bD060eec7DF8CBa43b7EF41Ad85
x: @Fetch_ai

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