Ratex Games – Ratex (RTX) is a cryptocurrency token built on the Internet Computer blockchain, adhering to the ICRC-2 standard.

Ratex (RTX) is a cryptocurrency token built on the Internet Computer blockchain, adhering to the ICRC-2 standard. It is designed for use in purchasing items, clothing,...


About Ratex (RTX)
Ratex (RTX) is a cryptocurrency token built on the Internet Computer blockchain, adhering to the ICRC-2 standard. It is designed for use in purchasing items, clothing, weapons, and vehicles within games. Currently, Ratex is supported in a game called “Pixelpunk”.

Fast Transactions & Low Fees

We chose the Internet Computer blockchain because it is one of the networks where transactions are characterized by low latency and minimal fees.

Ratex enables lightning-fast transactions using advanced blockchain technology. With minimal transaction fees, Ratex is perfect for everyday payments.

Trust & Security

Our cryptocurrency uses the latest security protocols to protect your assets.

New tokens cannot be minted – there is a fixed number of 1 million tokens.

Token cannot be changed – we blackholed it which means we can not change it anymore.

Exchange & Pools

A liquidity pool in crypto is a collection of funds locked in a smart contract, used to facilitate trading by providing liquidity on decentralized exchanges (DEXs). It allows users to trade tokens without relying on a traditional order book.

We are still in the early stages with our token and have not yet launched any liquidity pools.


At this moment Ratex is not listed in wallets.

To add Ratex as a custom token enter:
Canister ID: lnezh-4aaaa-aaaam-acrba-cai
Standard: ICRC-2 (ICRC-1 will work too)

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