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Overnight – OVN token is pegged to USDC, i.e. at any point in time one can exchange 1 USDC for 1 OVN and 1 OVN for 1 USDC.

Pegging mechanism is based on the ‘NAV of 1’ policy (“Net Asset Value”), i.e. market value of assets equals the amount of OVNs in circulation. This is achieved by Con...


What is Overnight?

OVN token is pegged to USDC, i.e. at any point in time one can exchange 1 USDC for 1 OVN and 1 OVN for 1 USDC. In order to maintain the peg, OVN is fully collateralized with DeFi assets that can be converted into USDC on demand

Pegging mechanism is based on the ‘NAV of 1’ policy (“Net Asset Value”), i.e. market value of assets equals the amount of OVNs in circulation. This is achieved by

  • Conservative risk management aiming to avoid daily losses by building a diversified portfolio of highly conservative DeFi Investments
  • Daily distribution of profits in the form of aidrops to OVN holders

Thus, the risk management prevents OVN from depreciating below par, while profit distribution prevents appreciation above pa

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