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Radbro Satoshis Vision NFTS

Radbro Satoshis Vision a collection of 5000 Radbro Ordinals on the Bitcoin Blockchain created by Radbro Webring.


Radbro Satoshis Vision a collection of 5000 Radbro Ordinals on the Bitcoin Blockchain created by Radbro Webring.

The Collection

Since the day we learned about Ordinals, we knew it was our duty to bring Radbro to the Bitcoin Blockchain.

To be inscribed immutably forever on that beautiful proof-of-work chain. Founderless, unruggable, the most trusted chain in the world.

We are proud to present Radbro Satoshis Vision. A collection of 5000 Radbro Ordinals inscribed on the Bitcoin Blockchain.

Radbro Satoshis Vision NFTS
RANGE: 62536728 to 64130197
Markets: Magiceden okx web3
x: @radbro_webring

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