

Users can stake POKT to become relayers and earn rewards.


Pocket Network is a decentralized blockchain data platform that serves as a crucial infrastructure for Web3 applications. Essentially, it provides a reliable and scalable way for dApps to access data from various blockchains.

How Does It Work?
Relayers: These are nodes that run the Pocket Network software and provide data to dApps.
POKT Token: This is the native token of the network, used for staking, governance, and paying for data relay services.
Data Access: dApps can request data from any supported blockchain through the Pocket Network, and relayers compete to provide the data.
Key Features and Benefits
Decentralization: Reduces reliance on centralized data providers.
Scalability: Handles high volumes of data requests efficiently.
Cost-Effective: Offers competitive pricing for data access.
Reliability: Ensures consistent data availability.
Interoperability: Supports multiple blockchains.
Use Cases
dApps: Access blockchain data without building their own infrastructure.
Oracles: Utilize blockchain data for real-world applications.
Wallets: Provide blockchain information to users.
Exchanges: Fetch data for trading and analytics.
POKT Token Economics
Staking: Users can stake POKT to become relayers and earn rewards.
Governance: Token holders participate in network decisions.
Payments: POKT is used to pay for data relay services.
Where to Buy POKT
POKT is listed on numerous cryptocurrency exchanges. You can find the most up-to-date listings on platforms like CoinMarketCap or CoinGecko.

Total supply: 1,683,071,360 POKT
X: @POKTnetwork

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